To ensure the safety of Denver Health and Hospital workforce and to comply with state and local public health orders, all Denver Health and Hospital Authority employees, students/residents, volunteers and contractors are required to self-monitor for and report any new signs and symptoms of COVID-19 as outlined by CDC. Those symptoms may include (but are not limited to):
1. New Cough
2. Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing
3. New Fever
4. Chills
5. New Muscle Pain
6. New Sore Throat
7. New loss of taste / smell
8. Household or healthcare-associated exposure to a known COVID-19 positive case may also be considered in the decision to test.
Please use the following procedures and recommendations to determine appropriate next steps if you experience illness symptoms:
- Stay home from your Denver Health rotation if you have a new onset of fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, or other “cold” symptoms.
- Discuss whether to seek testing with your primary care physician or at a Virtual Urgent Care visit.
- You may not return to Denver Health until you have had at least 24 hours without a fever.*
- You may not return to Denver Health until your respiratory secretions can be well contained by a medical mask.* Nasal secretions or sputum production should not saturate your medical mask.
- When you return to your Denver Health rotation, you should wear a medical mask, even in non-clinical areas, until your respiratory tract infection symptoms are fully resolved.*
- Communicate with your program leadership at your home institution and at Denver Health if you are sick and unable to report to your rotation.
*If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you must not report to Denver Health for a minimum of five days from symptom onset and wear a mask in all clinical and non-clinical areas at Denver Health for a minimum of 10 days after symptom onset.
For additional resources and information, please visit the Denver Health COVID-19 site on the Pulse, or click here.